Spark of the Woken Bones
Welcome aboard the Spark of the Woken Bones, a uniquely otherworldly vessel constructed from the remains of an ancient dragon, prepared to fly to skies unseen. With vibrant details that encourage exploration, multiple decks, a massive overhead hot air balloon, and a DM reference sheet for layout, your sessions will reach new heights of adventure and creativity. Dive into a torrid winds where every moment is an opportunity to soar and uncover hidden wonders aboard this undead ship.
This product includes:
- 46x46 square maps of the ships layout at encounter scale in multiple variants
- The same full 46x46 sky background alongside isolated PNGs of all 5 sections of the ship
- A zoomed-out perspective of the ship with labels for each section, as previewed here
- Variants of all maps that have been pre-compressed for VTT play for reduced file size